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    德育課堂 > 德育活動(dòng) >


    作者:      點(diǎn)擊數(shù):

        My dear  teachers、 students, the theme of today's speech is "Let the winds of civilized manners forever in the Campus".
        早在二千五百年前,一位教書(shū)先生,對(duì)他的學(xué)生說(shuō):“不學(xué)禮,無(wú)以立。”As early as two thousand and five hundred years ago, a teacher said to his students: " The one who is not polite can hardly stay in the society." 他還說(shuō):“長(zhǎng)者先,幼者后 。”等等 He added: "The elders first, after the young person." and so on.歷史的長(zhǎng)河給中華文明留下了燦爛的輝煌。 Long course of history left the China splendid civilization. 中國(guó),一個(gè)響亮的名字!中國(guó),一個(gè)禮儀的國(guó)度! China, a famous name! China, a ritual of the country! " “講文明、懂禮儀”是中華民族的傳統(tǒng)美德,是中國(guó)被譽(yù)為“禮儀之邦”的重要標(biāo)牌,也是現(xiàn)在判斷一個(gè)人素質(zhì)的基本標(biāo)桿,從文明禮貌這小事上能折射出一個(gè)人的內(nèi)涵素養(yǎng)。    Civilized, well versed in etiquette " is a traditional Chinese virtue, is known as the "ceremonies" an important sign, but also to judge the quality of a person's basic benchmark, from good manners that little things can reflect a person's content literacy.
        同學(xué)們,你們知道文明是什么嗎?Students, do you know what civilization is? 文明是路上相遇時(shí)的微笑,是同學(xué)有難時(shí)的熱情幫助,是平時(shí)與人相處時(shí)的親切,是見(jiàn)到師長(zhǎng)時(shí)的問(wèn)早問(wèn)好,是不小心撞到對(duì)方時(shí)的一聲“對(duì)不起”,是自覺(jué)將垃圾放入垃圾箱的舉動(dòng),是看到有人隨地吐痰時(shí)的主動(dòng)制止……
        Civilization is a smile when encountering on the road. Civilization is the enthusiastic help when students have trouble.Civilization is  the friendliness when usually getting along with others.Civilization is a "sorry" when accidentally hitting some person.Civilization is the conscious behavior to collect rubbish into dustbin.Civilization is to stop spitting when seeing ... ... 文明是一種品質(zhì),文明是一種修養(yǎng),文明是一種受人尊敬并被大家廣泛推崇的行為。Civilization is a kind of quality, Civilization is a kind of self-cultivation, Civilization is a well-respected and widely admired behavior.
        文明的一切都是由細(xì)節(jié)構(gòu)成的,因此我們每個(gè)學(xué)生都應(yīng)該養(yǎng)成文明習(xí)慣,做文明學(xué)生。 Civilization, everything from the details of the composition, so we should have each student develop habits of civilization, do the students of civilization. 然而遺憾的是,在我們身邊,在一部分同學(xué)身上,還是有著一些不文明行為。Regrettably, however, in our side, some classmates have a number of uncivilized behavior. 也許這些同學(xué)把文化知識(shí)的學(xué)習(xí)放在首位而常常忽略了社會(huì)公德、文明習(xí)慣的養(yǎng)成,而這恰恰從本質(zhì)上體現(xiàn)一個(gè)人的思想品質(zhì)。事實(shí)上,良好的行為習(xí)慣是保證我們良好學(xué)習(xí)的前提,也是樹(shù)立健康人格的基礎(chǔ)。 Perhaps these students put the study of cultural knowledge in the first place but often overlook the social morality, civilization, cultivation of habits, which is precisely the essence embodies a quality of people's thinking. In fact, good behavior is a prerequisite to ensure that our good learning, but also establish the basis for healthy personality. 如果我們養(yǎng)成了文明的行為習(xí)慣,學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境就是良好的、有序的。 If we develop habits of civilization ,then learning environment is good, orderly.
        如果老師問(wèn)大家:“你今后打算干什么?”一千個(gè)人會(huì)有一千種答案,但在每一個(gè)答案的背后都有一個(gè)基點(diǎn),那就是做人首先要做一個(gè)文明的人。If the teacher asked us: "What do you intend to do in future?" 1000 individuals will have a thousand answers, but each one has a point behind the answer, that is a man first thing to do a civilized person. 做文明之人,就要會(huì)用文明語(yǔ),做文明事。再簡(jiǎn)單地講就是要講文明,懂禮儀。 Do civilized people, should use a civilized language and do civilized things. Briefly “Civilized, well versed in etiquette”.
        親愛(ài)的同學(xué)們,快行動(dòng)起來(lái),從我做起,從一點(diǎn)一滴、一言一行做起。My dear students, Let’s do it now. ,do it by myself, bit by bit, with your words and deeds. 只要我們?nèi)巳硕紒?lái)用美麗的語(yǔ)言,就能給我們的校園增添一朵朵美麗的文明之花,用一份行動(dòng)使文明之風(fēng)永駐校園。 As long as we all use the beautiful language, you can add a beautiful blossoming flower of civilization to our campus, with the action so that let the wind of civilization forever in the Campus.